Organization Administrator Permissions

An Organization Administrator is someone who has full authority when it comes to managing users and Teams within the Organization, i.e. the private SciNote instance with a unique URL link.

They are the only role able to:

  • Invite people to the Organization
  • Create new Teams
  • Manage its members (lock or activate user accounts, set a substitute Organization Admin, etc.).
  • Access the System Log

The Organization Administrator is the only one who can see options beyond Teams, Add-ons and SciNote version via the gear icon. (See below)

org admin permissions

For a more detailed overview of SciNote's user roles and permissions, please see this article for the up-to-date permission table.


To learn how to add people to your SciNote organization, please follow along in this article.

In addition, under the Organization tab, Organization administrators can:

  • Change the password policy for the entire Organization (i.e., the automatic password expiration period)
  • Access the system log records (i.e. history of all logins and logouts) which can be exported as a .csv file
  • Set up and configure single sign-on (SSO) as a way to authenticate user access for the organization's SciNote users (read more on how to set up SSO)
    • *If you wish to allow users to sign Tasks electronically using SSO, an Org Admin must click the checkbox to enable task signing via SSO for your provider
    • Allow Using SSO For Task Signatures

_____________________________________________________________________________________ If you have any additional questions, please, do not hesitate to contact us at For more information about the Premium plans, please request a quote