Understanding Organization Administrator Permissions

An Organization Administrator has full authority when it comes to managing users and Teams within the Organization, i.e., your private SciNote instance with a unique URL link.

What are an Org Admin's main responsibilities in SciNote?

Only Org Admins (users with the Administrator role) are able to:

  • Invite people to the Organization
  • Create new Teams (Team Workspaces)
  • Manage SciNote members (lock user accounts that are no longer active or re-activate users, set up a backup Organization Admin, etc.)
  • Access & export the System Log

Setting a User's Organizational Role as Org Admin

Update a user in your account to Org Admin by clicking into the Members page from the Settings menu (gear icon) –– only active Org Admins can do this!

Organization Role for SciNote Members_Admins

*We recommend that every SciNote account has at least 2 Org Admin users to help troubleshoot and manage your user base. Org Admins can perform any allowable actions in SciNote, so assign users with Admin rights sparingly.


The Organization Administrator is the only user role who can see options beyond Teams, Add-ons and SciNote version via the settings gear icon. (See below)

org admin permissions

For a more detailed overview of all SciNote's user roles and permissions, please see this article for the up-to-date permissions table.

To learn how to add people to your SciNote organization, follow along in this article.

*Note that the Org Admin user role is different from being an Owner for a Team workspace. It's possible for users to be Org Admins and not Team Owners OR Team Owners and not Org Admins.

Read more on the different levels of SciNote's data structure and read about Team Owner permissions.

What global SciNote Settings do Org Admins control?

In addition, under the Organization tab in your Settings, only Org Admins can:

  • Change the password policy for the entire Organization (i.e., an automatic password expiration period set to a certain number of days)
    • SciNote Global Password Expiration Setting

From the System Log tab in your Settings (gear icon), only Org Admins can:

  • Access the system log records (i.e. history of all logins and logouts) which can be exported as a .csv file
    SciNote System Log for Org Admins

_____________________________________________________________________________________ If you have any additional questions, please do not hesitate to contact us at support@scinote.net. For more info about the Premium plans, please request a quote.