How To Archive an experiment

Archive experiments that you want to move out of the way, but don't want to lose access to

Experiments can only be archived by members that have the role of Owner or User on the Project level. 

If you would like to learn more about the roles and permissions please see the following article.

To archive an experiment in SciNote:

  1. Navigate to the Experiments page.
  2. Click the 3 dots on the top right corner of the experiment card.
  3. Select Archive from the drop-down list.How to Archive an experiment


  1. Navigate to the Experiments page.
  2. Select the experiment you wish to archive.
  3. Click the Archive button located at the bottom of the page. How to Archive an experiment

To view your archived experiments from the Experiments page choose the Archived state view in the drop-down menu as shown in the picture below.

How to Archive an experiment

To restore a previously archived experiment, simply click on the 3 dots located in the top right corner of the experiment card. From the drop-down menu that appears, select the option to Restore.

To know more about what you can delete and archive in SciNote, read here.

If you have any additional questions, please, do not hesitate to contact us at support@scinote.netFor more information about the Premium plans, please request a quote.