You may create new SciNote Tasks by duplicating an existing Task or Experiment. If a new Task is linked to an older version of a Protocol Template, you can update the Protocol Template to its latest published version at the click of a button.
When you duplicate Tasks, Workflows, or Experiments in SciNote, any existing linkages between Protocol Templates and those Tasks will be maintained. To learn more about duplicating Tasks and Experiments in SciNote, click here.
Duplicating Tasks in SciNote will clone the Protocol Steps exactly as they were, including older versions of the linked Protocol Template.
Link your SciNote Tasks to published Protocol Templates following this article!
If your newly copied Task is linked to an older version of a Protocol Template (i.e., if the linked Protocol Template has a newer published version than the one copied over from the old Task), SciNote will indicate this visually.
*Note – From a Task Protocol tab, the info icon at the top of the Protocol section will change colors to indicate if a newer version of the linked Protocol Template (PT) has been published. A yellow icon means a newer PT version is available.
Click on the info icon, to see more about the current linked Protocol Template and more details about the info icon color changes.
If you'd like to update the linked Protocol Template to the newest published version, you can using the 'Protocol actions' dropdown to do so. SciNote DOES NOT update this by default, so be careful when cloning old Tasks that you're using the correct template version for your new Task.
- Click on the Protocol actions dropdown menu
- Click on New version update
- A popup window appears warning you that if you update the Task to the latest Protocol Template version, any changes will be overridden within the Protocol Steps. Click 'Yes, update it' to complete the changes
- Once the change goes through, the info. icon for the linked Protocol Template will no longer be yellow (until a newer template version is published) and the Task protocol will be updated to the latest version of the template
*Caution – Any time you load a new Protocol Template into a Task (including the version updates), any existing data in the Task's Protocol Steps will be overridden. Best Practice is to update the Task's Protocol Template version as a first step before you begin work on the Task or any new data there
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