What is Quick Start?

Quickstart allows you to quickly create a new task, a new protocol, or a new report directly from your overview screen.

When on the overview screen, there are three buttons above your current tasks.Overview Screen 

To quickly create a new task:

  1. Click on the New task button.
  2. Select the project and experiment you want to add the task to in the drop-down.
  3. Click the blue Create Task button. You will be directed to the protocol screen. 
  4. Name your new task by clicking on New Task title and typing the new name.

The task is created as a stand-alone task. If you want to create a task workflow, navigate back to the task screen by clicking back to all tasks on the left side and create more tasks or connect the existing tasks. 

To quickly create a new protocol:

  1. Click on the New protocol button. You will be directed to the Protocol templates.
  2. Name your new protocol by clicking on the New protocol title and typing the new name.

To quickly create a new report:

  1. Click on the New report button. 
  2. Create a new report like normal. Follow this article for instructions on how to create a report. 

If you have any additional questions, please, do not hesitate to contact us at support@scinote.netFor more information about the Premium plans, please request a quote.