Can I merge two SciNote organizations?

No, this is currently not possible.

Every SciNote organization (i.e. Premium SciNote instance, is a separate entity. If you are a free user, and you wish to collaborate, please refer to our Premium plans.

Even though you cannot merge two SciNote organizations/instances, you can easily share protocol templates or inventories by exporting them from one SciNote organization and importing them to the other.

As for the rest of the data (projects, experiments, tasks/workflows, and results), you will have to create it from scratch, but it can be done quite quickly by copy-pasting the content and uploading results files.

After you export all the necessary data, log into the other SciNote account of the other organization and import the protocols and inventory items. 

  • Protocols can be imported by clicking the Import option, which can be found with the Export option. 
  • How to Import an Inventory

______________________________________________________________________________________ If you have any additional questions, please, do not hesitate to contact us at . For more information about the Premium plans, please request a quote