How to Save a Protocol to the Protocol Templates

You can save protocols that you create in a task to your protocol template repository.

To save your protocol:

  1. Navigate to the desired task card.
  2. Click Protocol actions on the right side of the protocol. protocol_actions_button
  3. Click 'Save as a new template' in the drop-down and a pop-out will appear.Protocol actions_templates
  4. Keep the protocol name or give it a new name by clicking on the name a typing a new name. Save protocol template_1
  5. Choose whether you would like to grant access to this template to all your team members 
    1. If you do not grant access, only you can view the template
    2. If you do grant access, you can select the level of access your team members havesave protocol template_2
  6. Once you are finished, click the blue save button 
  7. If you would like to link this template to a task, you will need to navigate to the template repository and publish this protocol before it can be linked to a task

Your protocol is now saved in the protocol templates to be uploaded easily for future use. To upload a protocol from the templates to a task, follow this article

If you have any additional questions, please, do not hesitate to contact us at support@scinote.netFor more information about the Premium plans, please request a quote.