How to Re-Invite Someone After Their Invitation has Expired

SciNote invitations are valid for 7 days. If an invitation is not accepted within this time frame, the member will need to be re-invited to your SciNote instance.

To re-invite a member, you must be an Organization Administrator in your SciNote instance. Follow the steps below:

To Re-invite a member:

  1. Click the setting cogwheel in the top right corner. 
  2. Select "members" in the dropdown menu.Re-Invite Members
  3. Navigate to the users information.
    1. You’ll see "Pending" under the Status column.
  4. Click on the three dots to the right of their information.
  5. Select "delete account" in the dropdown menu.Re-Invite Member
  6. Re-invite the user like normal. 
    1. For detailed steps on how to invite a user, follow this article.

The member will receive a new SciNote invitation via email. Once they accept it, they can create their account and join your SciNote instance. 

If you have any additional questions, please, do not hesitate to contact us at . For more information about the Premium plans, please request a quote