How To Delete a Task from an Experiment (Archiving Tasks)

For traceability and compliance reasons, you cannot delete a task in SciNote. However, you can archive it within an experiment.

To archive a task:

  1. Open an experiment to enter the grey canvas
  2. Click the Edit workflow button, just above the canvas on the leftEdit workflow button
  3. Click on the arrow in the right upper corner of the selected task, to open a drop-down window 
  4. Select Archive task archive_task
  5. Click Save on the top right corner


Alternatively, if you are using the 'Table view' inside the experiment:

  1. Select the task you would like to archive
  2. Click the 'Archive' buttonarchive_task_table_view


To view all the archived items for an experiment:

  1. Open an experiment to enter the grey canvas
  2. Click on the top menu were you can choose between Active state and Archived state
  3. archived_tasks_menu-1

You can read this article to know what you can delete and archive in SciNote.

To learn more about how to use the Archive and Restore function in SciNote watch our video tutorial. 

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