Can I transfer my free SciNote account data to a Premium (paid) site or merge data from two SciNote accounts/sites?

It is possible to migrate data from a free account to a paid SciNote site, but this will overwrite any pre-existing data in the paid (receiving) site. It is NOT possible to merge data from two different SciNote accounts/instances.

If you were a previous Free SciNote user, and you would like to migrate your data from your free account to a new paid SciNote site, you can do so, but there are inherent risks and limitations:

    How to Initiate a SciNote Account Data Migration

    To migrate SciNote account data (overwriting whatever data is in the receiving site), you must reach out to the SciNote Support team.
    There is a short form you must fill out approving the changes and acknowledging the risks involved.

    Risks of Migrating Data from one SciNote Site to Another

    1. Migrating SciNote data from one site to another (e.g., free to Premium, or from one Premium site to another) will overwrite any/all data you or your colleagues had previously inputted in the SciNote site that will receive the migrated data

    Data migrations will delete ALL DATA in the receiving site, including past SciNote Trial period data, any new data inputted since the site went live, etc.

    Unfortunately, there's no way to fully merge two SciNote accounts since the technical infrastructure of the free version is different from the paid premium accounts. Our available "migration" service essentially takes all the data from one site and moves it to another site, which overwrites whatever was in the "receiving" site.

    Is it worth migrating my data from one SciNote site to another?

    If you are early on in your SciNote implementation and there's no critical data or setup completed in the SciNote site that will receive the migrated data, it should be okay to complete a data migration:
    • The migration process requires a small amount of site downtime, which we will usually complete outside of your working hours to avoid interruptions to your ELN usage
    HOWEVER, if you don't have too much data to migrate, either from a past Free SciNote account or other site, we recommend either recreating those Projects manually, or you can keep your free account open to reference it versus doing a data migration.

    Tip – If you still wish to move forward with a SciNote account data migration,  we recommend you instruct your colleagues to stop using your SciNote site immediately until your data is moved and process is completed. Anything they put in previously or new data they input until the migration would be overwritten.

    If you have any additional questions, please don't hesitate to contact us at support@scinote.netFor more info about the Premium plans, request a quote.