1. Customer Support
  2. Account Settings and Managment

Why can't I see the Members tab?

Only SciNote Premium users that hold the Organization Admin role have access to the Members tab.

The Members, Security, and System log tabs are only available for Premium customers and can only be seen by the Organization administrator

The Members tab allows you to manage your workforce within SciNote. It is where you invite your colleagues and remove or lock those that should be restricted from SciNote. With this in mind, it is limited to the Organization administrator. If you wish to have access to it, please, contact your Organization administrator so they can upgrade your set of permissions.

You can read more about what the Organization admin can do in the following article.

To learn more about how to manage your SciNote, please see the video tutorial below.

______________________________________________________________________________________ If you have any additional questions, please, do not hesitate to contact us at support@scinote.net. For more information about the Premium plans, please request a quote