How to Use Math Operations and Formulas in SciNote Tables

Tables that are created under the section Table in a protocol step or under Results in SciNote support basic math operations just as Excel spreadsheets do, but with some exceptions.


Please note that our table solution does not support cell-clicking for formula input. Users are required to manually enter operations, providing a simplified approach without the complexities of Excel's extensive functionalities. As an alternative we suggest you use MS Office online integration as an alternative for some more complex operations.

The functions that can be used in SciNote tables are the following:

Function name

Type and description

DATE function

Date and time:    Returns the serial number of a particular date

DATEVALUE function

Date and time:    Converts a date in the form of text to a serial number

DAY function

Date and time:    Converts a serial number to a day of the month

DAYS function

Date and time:    Returns the number of days between two dates

EDATE function

Date and time:    Returns the serial number of the date that is the indicated number of months before or after the start date

AND function

Logical:    Returns TRUE if all of its arguments are TRUE

FALSE function

Logical:    Returns the logical value FALSE

IF function

Logical:    Specifies a logical test to perform

NOT function

Logical:    Reverses the logic of its argument

OR function

Logical:    Returns TRUE if any argument is TRUE

TRUE function

Logical:    Returns the logical value TRUE

ABS function

Math and trigonometry:    Returns the absolute value of a number

INT function

Math and trigonometry:    Rounds a number down to the nearest integer

LN function

Math and trigonometry:    Returns the natural logarithm of a number

LOG function

Math and trigonometry:    Returns the logarithm of a number to a specified base

LOG10 function

Math and trigonometry:    Returns the base-10 logarithm of a number

PI function

Math and trigonometry:    Returns the value of pi

POWER function

Math and trigonometry:    Returns the result of a number raised to a power

ROUND function

Math and trigonometry:    Rounds a number to a specified number of digits

SQRT function

Math and trigonometry:    Returns a positive square root

SUM function

Math and trigonometry:    Adds its arguments

SUMIF function

Math and trigonometry:    Adds the cells specified by a given criteria

SUMIFS function

Math and trigonometry:    Adds the cells in a range that meet multiple criteria

TRUNC function

Math and trigonometry:    Truncates a number to an integer

AVERAGE function

Statistical:    Returns the average of its arguments

AVERAGEA function

Statistical:    Returns the average of its arguments, including numbers, text, and logical values

AVERAGEIF function

Statistical:    Returns the average (arithmetic mean) of all the cells in a range that meet a given criteria

CORREL function

Statistical:    Returns the correlation coefficient between two data sets

COUNT function

Statistical:    Counts how many numbers are in the list of arguments

COUNTA function

Statistical:    Counts how many values are in the list of arguments

COUNTIF function

Statistical:    Counts the number of cells within a range that meet the given criteria

COUNTIFS function

Statistical:    Counts the number of cells within a range that meet multiple criteria

INTERCEPT function

Statistical:    Returns the intercept of the linear regression line

MAX function

Statistical:    Returns the maximum value in a list of arguments

MAXA function

Statistical:    Returns the maximum value in a list of arguments, including numbers, text, and logical values

MEDIAN function

Statistical:    Returns the median of the given numbers

MIN function

Statistical:    Returns the minimum value in a list of arguments

MINA function

Statistical:    Returns the smallest value in a list of arguments, including numbers, text, and logical values

SLOPE function

Statistical:    Returns the slope of the linear regression line

STDEV.P function

Statistical:    Calculates standard deviation based on the entire population

STDEV.S function

Statistical:    Estimates standard deviation based on a sample

T.TEST function

Statistical:    Returns the probability associated with a Student's t-test

CHAR function

Text:    Returns the character specified by the code number

CODE function

Text:    Returns a numeric code for the first character in a text string


Text:    Joins several text items into one text item

EXACT function

Text:    Checks to see if two text values are identical


PRODUCT function can't be used in SciNote tables, but you can use * instead. 

When copy-pasting the numbers from the Excel file to the SciNote table, you need to open the view Show formulas in an Excel file first. Then copy the content and paste it into the SciNote table using CTRL + V keys.


Formulas are based on the position of cells, so if you copy-paste Excel table cells from C37:C44 to SciNote table cells A1:A8 the formulas won't function because of different cell positions.

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