How can SciNote be integrated with other software?

SciNote can be integrated with other applications via SciNote's API

SciNote's API documentation is available through this link.

SciNote has its own API which can be used to access different parts of SciNote by a third party integration. For example, this would mean that a third party software would be able to create tasks, protocols, samples, or even edit a sample directly within SciNote.

Current API integrations that are already available out of the box are:

  1. MS Office integration that allows you to create MS Office files within SciNote.
  2. Chemaxon Marvin JS integration connects to their API and allows you to draw chemical structures, save it, and attach it to SciNote. 
  3. API integration allows SciNote users to browse database of public protocols. This protocol can be previewed and later uploaded into SciNote. 

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